AIRO 26 Year 2019
03 | Internet photography forums as sources of avian dietary data: bird diets in Continental Portugal.
Pedro M. Lourenço
27 | Results from an avifaunal survey along the Corubal and Fefine rivers, Guinea-Bissau.
Paulo Catry, Miguel Lecoq, Mohamed Henriques, Pierre Campredon & José Pedro Granadeiro
33 | Diet of the White Stork (Ciconia ciconia) in a heterogeneous Mediterranean landscape: the importance of the invasive Red Swamp Crayfish (Procambarus clarkii).Eduardo M. Ferreira, Filipa Grilo, Raquel C. Mendes, Rui Lourenço, Sara M. Santos & Francisco Petrucci-Fonseca
AIRO 25 Year 2018
03 | Monitoring waterbird populations in the Tejo estuary, Portugal: report for the decade 2007-2016.
Pedro M. Lourenço, Hany Alonso, José A. Alves, Ana T. Carvalho, Teresa Catry, Hélder Costa, Joana S. Costa, Maria P. Dias, Vítor Encarnação, Pedro Fernandes, Ana I. Leal, Ricardo C. Martins, Filipe Moniz, Sara Pardal, Afonso Rocha & Carlos D. Santos
32 | Feral cat control and the population recovery of the endemic St Helena Plover.
Dennis Leo, Kevin George, Gavin Ellick, Steffen Oppel
44 | Small but fierce: invasive ants kill Barolo Shearwater (Puffinus lherminieri baroli) nestling in Cima islet (PORTO SANTO, MADEIRA ARCHIPELAGO).
Mário Boieiro, Ana Isabel Fagundes, Cátia Gouveia, Jaime A. Ramos & Dília Menezes
AIRO 24 Year 2016 / 2017
03 | Contribution to the study of the breeding biology of the European shag (Phalacrocorax aristotelis) in Berlengas archipelago, Portugal. Elisabete Silva, António Luís e Nuno Oliveira
17 | First bird-mortality figures from telephone line collisions in open grassland areas of Lanzarote and Fuerteventura (Canary Islands, Spain). Juan Antonio Lorenzo
28 | Recent changes on migratory behaviour of the White stork (Ciconia ciconia) in Portugal: Towards the end of migration? Inês Catry, Vítor Encarnação, Carlos Pacheco, Teresa Catry, Paulo Tenreiro, Luís P.
da Silva, Fernando Leão, Filipe Bally, Sara Roda, Silvério Lopes, Carlos Capela, Hany Alonso, Sérgio Saldanha, Otília Urbano, Jorge Saraiva, Paulo Encarnação, Nuno Sequeira, Miguel Mendes, Paulo Monteiro, Gonçalo Elias e Francisco Moreira
36 | Diet of great cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo) in the Sado estuary, Portugal, and possible impacts on local fisheries and aquaculture. Paulo Catry, Ana Campos, Teresa Catry, Carlos Assis, Susana Pereira e José Pedro Granadeiro
AIRO 23 Year 2014 / 2015
03 | The energetic cost of pre-alternate body moult in black-tailed godwits (Limosa limosa) staging in Portugal during northward migration. Pedro M. Lourenço
10 | Bulwer’s petrels breeding numbers on the Desertas Islands (Madeira): improved estimates indicate the NE Atlantic population to be much larger than previously thought. Paulo Catry, Maria Dias, Teresa Catry, Patrícia Pedro, Paulo Tenreiro & Dília Menezes
15 | Ornithological importance of rice cultivations around the Tejo and Sado estuaries during winter. Pedro M. Lourenço
25 | Habitat restoration on Praia Islet, Azores Archipelago, proved successful for seabirds, but new threats have emerged. Joël Bried & Verónica C. Neves
35 | Current status and distribution of nocturnal birds (Strigiformes and Caprimulgiformes) in Portugal. Rui Lourenço; Inês Roque, Ricardo Tomé, Pedro Sepúlveda & Equipa Atlas, Cecília Melo, Carlos Pereira
51 | Extinction of the heron colony at Murta Dam. Paulo A. M. Marques & Susana E. Coelho
55 | Wintering population of Red kite (Milvus milvus) in the Castro Verde SPA (Portugal). Rita Ferreira, Hugo Zina, Ana Teresa Marques, Ana Delgado, Diogo Venade & Hugo Costa
56 | Population size of Montagu’s harrier (Circus pygargus) in the Castro Verde SPA (Portugal). Ana Teresa Marques, Rita Ferreira, Hugo Zina, Joana Santos & Hugo Costa
AIRO 22 Year 2012
03 | Estimating feral cat density on Corvo Island, Azores, to assess the feasibility of feral cat eradication. Steffen Oppel, Sandra Hervías, Nuno Oliveira, Tânia Pipa, Honor Cowen, Carlos Silva & Pedro Geraldes
12 | Invasive mammal species on Corvo Island: is their eradication technically feasible? Sandra Hervías, Carlos Silva, Tânia Pipa, Nuno Oliveira, Ana Henriques, Pedro Geraldes, Sandra Mealha, Eduardo Diaz, Inês Bravo, Steffen Oppel & Félix Manuel Medina
29 | The first translocation of Cory’s Shearwater (Calonectris diomedea borealis) chicks, and review of SOS Cagarro campaigns, on Corvo Island, Azores. Rosemary Sigger, Sandra Hervías, Tânia Pipa, Pedro Geraldes, José Tavares & Carlos Silva
43 | Eradication and control of vertebrate invasive species in Madeira and Selvagens Archipelago: a short review. Paulo Oliveira & Dília Menezes
49 | Estimating density of shearwaters in the Italian sea from vessel-based surveys. Giorgia Gaibani, Carlo
Catoni, Licia Calabrese, Paolo Piovani, Ana Meirinho, Iván Ramírez, Pedro Geraldes & Jacopo G. Cecere
56 | A Survey of Breeding Seabirds on Anguilla. Collin Wilkinson, Mike Pollard, Geoff M. Hilton & Pedro
70 | Seasonal abundance and population trends of waterbirds at Caldeira de Tróia, Sado estuary. Teresa
Catry, Inês Catry & Vitor Encarnação
79 | Population trends in the steppe birds of Castro Verde in the period 2006-2011: consequences of a
drought event and land use changes? Francisco Moreira, Pedro J. Leitão, Nicholas W. Synes, Rita Alcazar,
Inês Catry, Carlos Carrapato, Ana Delgado, Beatriz Estanque, Rita Ferreira, Pedro Geraldes, Marisa
Gomes, João Guilherme, Inês Henriques, Miguel Lecoq, Domingos Leitão, Ana Teresa Marques, Rui
Morgado, Rui Pedroso, Ivan Prego, Luís Reino, Pedro Rocha, Ricardo Tomé, Hugo Zina & Patrick E. Osborne
AIRO 21 Year 2011
03 | Distribution and population trends of the European Roller in pseudo-steppe areas of Portugal: results
from a census in sixteen SPAs and IBAs. Inês Catry, João Paulo Silva, Ana Cardoso, Ana Martins, Ana
Delgado, Ana Rita Sanches, Andreia Santos, Beatriz Estanque, Carlos Miguel Cruz, Carlos Pacheco,
Domingos Leitão, Eunice Pereira, Estrela Matilde, Fernando Moital, Fernando Romba, Nuno Sequeira,
Paulo Monteiro, Pedro Rocha, Ricardo Correia, Rita Alcazar, Rogério Cangarato, Ruben Heleno, Teresa
Catry, Teresa Silva & Tiago Ferro
15 | Unravelling the occurrence patterns of cinereous vultures (Aegypius monachus) in southern Portugal
using non-standardized observations. Pedro M. Lourenço
24 | On the occurrence of the red-billed tropicbird (Phaethon aethereus) in the Portuguese seas: is this an
expanding species? Paulo Catry
31 | First complete census of Cory’s Shearwaters (Calonectris diomedea borealis) breeding at Berlengas
Islands (Portugal), including the small islets of the archipelago. Miguel Lecoq, Iván Ramírez, Pedro
Geraldes & Joana Andrade
AIRO 20 Year 2010
03 | Mediterranean Gulls (Larus melanocephalus) wintering in Spain and Portugal: one population or several?
Carles Carboneras, Raül Aymí, Albert Cama, Camille Duponcheel, Joan Ferrer, Renaud Flamant, Salvador
García, Jorge Garzón, Antonio Gutiérrez, Marc Olivé, Martin Poot
12 | Contribution for the conservation of Manx shearwaters (Puffinus puffinus), a threatened species in
Madeira. João Nunes, Marta Nunes, Ana Isabel Fagundes, Thijs Valkenburg
22 | Emergency of multi-resistant Escherichia coli in faecal samples recovered from wild birds. Carla
Ferreira, Romeu Simões, Ricardo Brandão, Paulo Martins da Costa
29 | Seabirds of Selvagem Pequena and Ilhéu de Fora: censuses and notes, with data on the diet of the
Yellow-legged Gull. Paulo Catry, Pedro Geraldes, João Pedro Pio, Ana Almeida
36 | Population trends of Cory’s Shearwaters (Calonectris diomedea borealis) breeding at Berlengas Islands,
Portugal. Miguel Lecoq, Paulo Catry, José P. Granadeiro
42 | The role of artificial nest provisioning in the re-establishment of a breeding Pallid Swift (Apus pallidus)
colony. Teresa Catry, Inês Catry
AIRO 19 Year 2009
03 | Subtropical Roseate Terns (Sterna dougallii) of Santa Maria (Azores) deliver more appropriate sized
prey to their chicks than Common Terns (Sterna hirundo). José C. Pereira & Jaime A. Ramos
13 | Rice field use by raptors in two Portuguese wetlands. Pedro M. Lourenço
19 | The rice fields around the estuaries of the Tejo and Sado are a critical stopover area for the globally
near-threatened Black-tailed (Godwit Limosa l. limosa): Site description, international importance and
conservation proposals. Pedro M. Lourenço, Niko Groen, Jos. C.E.W. Hooijmeijer & Theunis Piersma
27 | Do diurnal migrants follow the Guadiana River when crossing dry sectors of SW Iberia? Paulo Catry,
Ana Campos, Vanda Miravent & João E. Rabaça
AIRO 18 Year 2008
03 | Modelling owl mortality on roads of Alentejo (southern Portugal). Clara Isabel Correia da Silva, Clara
Grilo & António Mira
15 | Nocturnal and diurnal nearshore foraging of European Storm Petrels (Hydrobates sp.) along the Lisbon
coast, Portugal. Martin Poot
24 | Monthly counts of Ring-necked Parakeets (Psittacula krameri) at Jardim da Estrela, Lisbon. Rafael Matias
29 | Roof-nesting yellow-legged gulls (Larus michahellis) in the town of Peniche, Portugal. Lurdes Morais &
António Casanova
34 | On the occurrence and nesting of the Black Wheatear (Oenanthe leucura) in the area of Foz-Tua (Douro
Wine Demarked Region, NE Portugal). Tiago Múrias, Sérgio Bruno Ribeiro, Ana Isabel Nunes e Célia Gomes
AIRO 17 Year 2007
05 | Spatial distribution patterns, habitats correlates and population estimates of steppe birds in Castro
Verde. F. Moreira, P. J. Leitão, R. Morgado, R. Alcazar, A. Cardoso, C. Carrapato, A. Delgado, P. Geraldes,
L. Gordinho, I. Henriques, M. Lecoq, D. Leitão, A. T. Marques, R. Pedroso, I. Prego. L. Reino, P. Rocha, R.
Tomé & P. E. Osborne
AIRO 16 Year 2006
03 | The status of Marsh Harrier (Circus aeruginosus) in Portugal: the breeding population survey (1998). G.
Rosa, D. Leitão, C. Mendes, F. Leão, C. Fernandes, H. Costa, C. Pacheco & J. R. Pereira
13 | Numbers, behaviour and origino f Mediterranean Gulls (Larus melanocephalus) wintering along the west
coast of Southern Portugal. M. Poot & R. Flamant
23 | Seasonal abundance of aquatic birds at Óbidos Lagoon. P. M. Lourenço
31 | The importance of Ria de Aveiro for breeding Purple Heron (Ardea purpurea) in Portugal. S. Marques &
J. A. Ramos
43 | Impacto in birds by the médium tension power line of the Mourela’s plateau (Peneda-Gerês National
Park). A. P. Dias, M. Pimenta & A. Luís
51 | Comparison of the diversity of waterbirds among four habitats at Sado Estuary: Fishfarm, Saltmarsh,
Abandoned saltpan and Active saltpan. J. C. Pereira & A. C. Pereira
63 | Intraguild predation by Eagle Owls in Europe. R. F. Lourenço & J. E. Rabaça
69 | Ducks and the risk of avian influenza in Portugal. D. Rodrigues, M. E. Figueiredo, A. Fabião & V.
75 | Parasites detected in wild birds admitted in a wildlife rehabilitation centre. F. Martinho & P. C. Melo
AIRO 15 Year 2005
03 | Invasive alien species as a threat to seabird populations: an account of habitat restoration on Ilhéu da
Praia (Graciosa, Açores) Special Protection Area. M. Pitta Groz & J. C. Pereira
11 | Conservation of Puffinus species in the Azores. M. Pitta Groz, L. R. Monteiro, J. C. Pereira, A. G. Silva &
J. A. Ramos
19 | Low-tech and high-tech methods for the study and conservation of Procellariiformes: some examples
from a case study of the Madeiran Storm Petrel (Oceanodroma castro) in the Azores. M. Bolton
29 | Censussing Manx Shearwaters (Puffinus puffinus). C. M. Perrins
37 | Manx Shearwater conservation and proposed rat eradication on the Hebridean islands of Canna &
Sanday, West Scotland. A. Patterson
43 | Large numbers of staging Balearic Shearwater (Puffinus mauretanicus) along the Lisbon coast,
Portugal, during the post-breeding period, June 2004. M. Poot
51 | Which future for the Bulwer’s Petrel in the Azores? J. Bried & K. Bourgeois
57 | Social composition, mass regulation and site-fifelity of migrant Robins (Erithacus rubecula) wintering in a
marginal habitat. P. Catry
63 | Factors influencing the breeding success of the Lesser Kestrel (Falco naumanni) in Portugal. A. Cordeiro, A. Franco & J. Palmeirim
75 | Post-breeding habitats selection of Great Bustard (Otis tarda) in South Portugal. N. Faria
85 | Population status, reproduction and coservation of Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) in La Gomera and El
Hierro, Canary Islands (2003-2004). M. Siverio & B. Rodríguez
91 | Biometrics of Bluethroats (Luscinia svecica) breeding in Central Spain. F. Campos, S. J. Peris & J. L.
AIRO 14 Year 2004
03 | Distribuition, abundance and conservation measures for the Avocet (Recurvirosta avosetta) in Portugal.
T. Catry, I. Catry & M. Lecoq
11 | Population estimate and habitat selection by the Barn Owl (Tylo alba) in Coruche (Santarém, Portugal).
I. Roque & R. Tomé
20 | Is the availability of new nests sites na efficient conservation measure for the Portuguese Lesser Kestrel
population? I. Catry, S. Reis, R. Alcazar, a. Cordeiro, P. Rocha & A. Franco
29 | Abundance, habitat use and diet of the Macaronesian Blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla gularis) on Pico Island,
Azores. V. Neves, J. A. Ramos, J. Pereira & A. G. Silva
41 | Steppe bird community and its relation with the land-use in the Important Bird Area of Vila Fernando / Veiros (Alentejo, Southern Portugal). P. Silva, L. T. Costa & J. P. Silva
55 | Foraging behaviour of breeding Little Tern (Sterna albifrons) at Ria de Aveiro. F. Peste, S. Trigo & A.
63 | Birds in antiquity. A contribution from the zoo-archaeology lab of the IPA. C. M. Pimenta, M. Moreno-
García & S. Davis
79 | Preliminary data on the breeding biology of the Roller (Coracias garrulus) in the Castro Verde SPA. M. I.
Moreira, I. Catry, I. S. Henriques, A. T. Marques & S. Reis
82 | Population status of the Black-bellied Sandgrouse (Pterocles orientalis) in the SPA of Moura-Mourão-
Barrancos. M. S. Cruz & M. C. Pais
89 | Counts of Little Bustard (Tetrax tetrax) in the Campo Branco region during the non-breeding period.P. A. Rocha, J. P. Silva, C. M. Cruz, C. Cruz, R. Cangarato, C. Janeiro, F. Moreira, J. Pedro & A. Delgado
94 | Seabird census along the Figueira da Foz-Aveiro coastline (Portugal) during August/September 2002. J. M. S. Petronilho, J. V. Vingada, M. Ferreira, N. A. C. Paulino, C. Eira, R. A. Costa & P. J. Q. Tenreiro
101 | Some data on Corvidae species in Northeasterm Algarve (Southern Portugal). V. A. Oliveira, R.
Cangarato, S. Coelho, R. F. Lourenço & M. C. Pais
105 | Composition and annual Dynamics of the community of waterbirds of the Natura 2000 site “Dunas de
Mira, Gândara e Gafanhas” (Beira Litoral, Portugal). J. M. S. Petronilho, J. V. Vingada & M. Ferreira
115 | Exotic birds in Quiaios-Mira coast (Beira Litoral, Portugal). J. M. S. Petronilho, J. V. Vingada & J.
121 | Measurements and weights of Spanish Sparrows (Passer hispaniolensis) during the breeding season
in Southern Portugal. P. A. M. Marques, A. F. Marques & L. Vicente
126 | The Barn Owl (Tyto alba) as a breeding species on Boavista and Maio, Cape Verde Islands. F. Siverio,
N. Varo & L. F. López-Jurado